Cançó dedicada a Sarah Palin - Joe and the plumbers
Encara que hagi perdut he volgut rescatar aquesta cançó dedicada a la que hagues sigut la vicepresidenta de USA amb John McCain.La lletra de la cançó diu:
I'm in love with Sarah Palin, and I love to watch her on TV. When I see her winking, it gets me to thinking that she's coming on to me. So I'm in love with Sarah Palin, and I really think that she is meant for me. But it sure is a bummer when she flirts with Joe the Plumber and Joe Six-Pack instead of just with me.
I'm in love with Sarah Palin, and I'm hopin' soon she'll pal around with me. I can't wait to ask her, I'll move up to Alasker, be a hockey dad and raise her family. Yes, I'm in love with Sarah Palin, and when we're one how happy we will be: We'll see Russia from our door—who could ask for more?—and go swimming in the Arctic Sea.
I'm in love with Sarah Palin—and I get the feeling she could go for me. I know that she's hitched, but I hope that soon she'll switch and leave that doggoned first dude for me. Yes, I'm in love with Sarah Palin: I hope that she becomes VP— And then if John McCain collapses from the strain the first couple will be Sarah and me.
Es divertit que la cançó la fagin amb una habitació amb una rentadora. Potser aixó fa pensar en que el grup es diu the Plumbers.No se si en honor a JOE the PLUMBER !!
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